types of damage
magic - damage that does extra damage to eldritch type enemies.
true - damage that does no kind of extra damage to an enemy.
armor - every 1 armor negates 5 damage.
shield - acts as +5 health and can regenerate for one turn.
magic resistance - negates 5 magic damage received.
since there are 5 players, there will be an AAB fighting system. meaning, two players will take a turn and then the opponent will, to keep it balanced.
roll a d20 when attacking a foe. a 12 or higher is a success.
a critical hit (AKA, a rolled 20) adds +10 damage.
roll a d4 to use an ability. a 2 or 3 is a successful use, and extra die is needed depending on ability.
status effects go away after 3 turns.