
the atelier - the resting place.
the shrine - the place of worship.
the cave system - interconnected rooms of wonder.
the shopping district - where you can exchange money for goods.
the garden - always a good chance of bugs or vegetables.
the forest - like a garden, but more dangerous.


mushroom forest - glowing marsh.
glacial pasture - fields of ice and wintry wonders.
the archipelago - like a real archipelago, but made of floating mini planets leading up to one mass of earth known as the final planet.
mother oak - a tree with mysterious loot lying at the base of its trunk, but you must be quick-- the items are taken fast.
the merchant strip - where you may find individul monsters selling an assortment of items.
the carne-val - only the finest meats are sold here.
the silken city - spiders galore.


the chapel - the choir of angels await you.
the greater meadow - a vaguely familiar meadow; the plants are more lively.
the graveyard - encounter wandering souls.
heavenly boutique - cosmetics and enchantments.
the angel eatery - foods fit for the gods.
Her Palace - where She lives.